Monday, September 06, 2010

We have a tooth!

It's time to get the chips out!  Crunchy veggies here we come!  Okay, not quite yet...but soon!  We discovered that her first tooth has broken through...let the drool begin!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

A fun summer day in the park

Today Ron and I decided to take Jackie to the park at Rittenhouse Square.  We heard about the farmers' market there and wanted to check it out.  We had so much fun people watching and playing with the munchkin.  Check out all the fun!

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Yup, her first word was "Daddy". was more like "Dah-dee".  It melted Ron's heart...okay, mine too.  A tear or two was shed. We attempted to get it on video, but no such luck.  We even told her babysitter that if she got it on video there would be an extra $10 'speech pay'.  

So - when does she say Mommy?

Monday, May 31, 2010

The first bite

We gave Jacquelyn her first bite of solid food yesterday at Lola and Lolo's house.  It was rice cereal (note: later I found out it was stage 2 rice cereal, not stage 1...oops - bad mommy).  Well...

It didn't go over too well...

But once she got her bottle...

It was all better...and she got into her bathing beauty suit and was the happy munchkin we all know and love...

Oh well, better luck next time!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Jacquelyn's Baptism

Jacquelyn was baptized on Sunday, May 16, 2010 at St. Andrew the Apostle Church in Voorhees, NJ.  Thank you to all the family and friends who joined us for this very special occasion!

With Godparents
 Auntie Carmen and Uncle Ralph
The Family
With the Grandparents

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Jackie's First Photo Shoot!

We visited with Tita Maria and Chloe this week!  We took some pictures of Jackie for her Birth Announcement.  Aren't they awesome!?  Thank you Tita Maria!!!

Of course, we couldn't leave without a picture with Chloe!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Story time with Lola and Joshua

Jackie and I stopped by Tita Maja and Uncle Dave's house to visit Josh and Jacob after her photo shoot (pictures coming soon).  And Lola was there!  Jackie was treated to story time with Lola and Josh while Jacob napped.

These are the moments you want to preserve forever...


Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Jacquelyn's First Easter and Grandma & Papa's Anniversary!

We celebrated Easter and Grandma & Papa's Anniversary with Brunch at the Mansion!  Look at Jackie in her beautiful Easter dress!

Friday, April 02, 2010

A Trip to Virginia...

Jackie's first road trip was to Virginia to visit Auntie Carmen, Uncle Chris, and her cousins, Bryan, Kelsey, Camille and Kayleen! Here are a few snap shots from the visit. Unfortunately, Kayleen was very busy with Crew practice, so we didn't get to see her very much.

Cousin Kelsey LOVES to help out with Jacquelyn. She even changes wet diapers! Just not the poopy ones :-(

...and Bryan loves to feed Jackie her bottle...can you see the resemblance?

Hanging out with Camille was too much fun!

We can't forget Auntie Carmen!

One of my favorite pictures from the visit - we need to figure out how to insert a picture of Kayleen in this one...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The first few weeks...

I've been really bad at keeping this blog updated with Jackie's happenings, so I'll try and play catch up...Here are some photos from the last few weeks...

Jackie is doing fabulous - she is amazing, we are so happy and blessed to have her in our lives. This is the two of us getting ready to come home from the hospital. I know, I know...she's not wearing socks...we were still getting ready!!! She looks sooooo little in the photo! I can't believe how small she was. That outfit barely fits her now! They do grow really fast!

Of course, all her grandparents came over to see her! Here she is with Lolo! His first granddaughter...

These photos were taken by her Uncle Josh when she was 7 days old. She was such a good little girl while we visited with Uncle Josh. The first week she had some challenges with eating, so they recommended that we try and feed her with a syringe...boy was that torture! We were afraid to giver her a bottle in fear that she wouldn't nurse with me. When we took her to the doctor, he assured us that it was fine to give her a bottle. Whew! I don't think we could have done syringe feeding any longer!

As you can see, she's a very stylish baby...this outfit is courtesy of Jack and Janie from Mrs. Totis...

Yes, folks...she has a lot of hair. Born with a full head and never lost it...her first bow didn't last very long...

She wears her sunglasses at night...

I promise I will get better and post more! But there's always Facebook!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Jacquelyn Amabilis Ramos, February 14, 2010

She's here! Jacquelyn Amabilis Ramos was born at 7:59 pm (right before The Simpson's started) on Sunday, February 14, 2010.

She weighed in at 7 lbs and 12 oz.

Mom and Jackie are doing great!!

...and so is Daddy!